Weather in Saransk: they promise snowfalls, cooling and warming

Info RM: Weather in Saransk: they promise snowfalls, cooling and warming

According to forecasts, Monday and Tuesday will be the coldest.

Weather in Saransk: they promise snowfalls, cooling and warming

Weather in Saransk: they promise snowfalls, cooling and warming

In the capital of Mordovia next week, the weather will be rich in surprises. According to forecasts, Monday and Tuesday will be the coldest. By the evening of January 27, the thermometer columns in Saransk will drop to -16 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the northwest wind with gusts of up to 16 m/s is expected in the morning.

On Tuesday, January 28, in the city it will get colder up to -20 degrees Celsius. But the wind will not be so strong – only up to 11 m/s. On Wednesday, January 29, it will warm up to -5, and on January 30 on Thursday up to +1 degrees Celsius. Wet snow is also expected on Thursday.

On Friday, January 31, weather forecasters predict 0. -1 degrees Celsius and heavy snow. Light snow and up to -2 are expected on February 1 and 2.