III International Forum "Advanced digital and production technologies": round table "Digital transformation of housing and communal services and nature management" – | CompMechLab – development and application of digital twins (digital twin), digital design, CAD/CAE/CAM/CAO/HPC

On December 1, 2021, as part of the business program of the III International Forum Advanced digital and production technologies, a round table Digital transformation of housing and communal services and environmental management was held, organized by the Laboratory Industrial data stream processing systems of the NTI Center of SPbPU.

III International Forum Advanced digital and production technologies: round table Digital transformation of housing and communal services and nature management

December 1, 2021 within the framework of the business program of the III International Forum Advanced digital and production technologies a round table Digital transformation of housing and communal services and nature management”, organized by the Laboratory “Industrial Systems of Data Stream Processing” of the NTI Center of SPbPU.

The forum was organized by Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) and its structural subdivisions – the world-class Scientific Center Advanced Digital Technologies of SPbPU (NTsMU SPbPU) and the Competence Center of the National Technology Initiative New Production Technologies of SPbPU (NTI Center SPbPU). The forum is included in the program of events of the Year of Science and Technology and was held with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation as part of the national project Science and Universities.

At the round table Digital transformation of housing and communal services and nature management the possibilities of digital twins and big data technology in solving the problems of integrated water resources management in the Neva-Ladoga river basin were considered.

The round table was moderated by Dmitry Alexandrovich Serov, researcher at the Laboratory Industrial Systems for Streaming Data Processing of the NTI Center of SPbPU, an expert in the field of digital technologies and water supply and sanitation management.


  • Naumenko Mikhail Arsenievich, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Hydrology of the Institute of Lake Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, full member of the Russian Geographical Society;
  • Kuznetsova Anna Borisovna, director of the branch Baltvodkhoz FGBVU Tsentrregionvodkhoz;
  • Novikova Yulia Alexandrovna, acting Head of the Department for Research on the Environment and Health of the Population in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation of the Federal Budgetary Institution North-Western Scientific Center for Hygiene and Public Health of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Shafransky Nikolai Vasilyevich, Deputy Director for IT, Alliance-Electro LLC;
  • Gasanov Tarlan Gasanovich, General Director of OAO Kingisepp Vodokanal;
  • Shevelev Vsevolod Veniaminovich, head of the Ladoga Fest festival, head of the Roscongress Foundation project.

The discussion was also attended by experts representing the scientific community, state authorities, the organization of the housing and communal services sector and various industries related to active nature management: Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Director of the Institute of Lakes of the Russian Academy of Sciences Shamil Raufovich Pozdnyakov; Head of the St. Petersburg branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “NIRO” (“GosniRH” named after L.S. Berg ”) Marina Mikhailovna Melnik; and about. head of the Nev-Ladoga Basin Directorate of the Federal Agency for Water Resources Marina Viktorovna Kazmina; Director of the Department of Environmental Protection of the Directorate of Nature Management of the State Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal St. Petersburg Irina Viktorovna Alekseeva; General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal of the Leningrad Region Sergey Sergeevich Morozov; Head of the Northwest Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for Fisheries Alexander Viktorovich Khristenko; Researchers of the analysis, evaluation and forecasting department of the environmental research and public research department in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation of the North-West Scientific Center for Hygiene and Public Health (SNSTS) of Rospotrebnadzor Alexander Alexandrovich Kovshov, Vladimir Nikolaevich Fedorov, Nadezhda Andreevna Tikhonova; Head of the Department of Hygiene of Drinking Water supply FBUN SNSTS, candidate of medical sciences Igor Olegovich Myasnikov.

Big data and digital double technologies are among the most popular and promising in the modern world. And although the applied application of such technologies in the field of environmental management already has its own history in our country and abroad, a field for further work and potential for a comprehensive improvement in housing and communal services and nature management using digitalization tools are huge. The more joyful fact is that today's discussion takes place with the participation of representatives of the North-West region, especially the Leningrad region. The North-Western region of Russia today is the flagship of economic development, for which the topic of effective nature management is of key importance, especially given the investment projects that are now in our region, – said in his entrance word Dmitry Serov And he expressed the hope that this discussion would start a practical implementation in the northwestern region new research and development in the field of digitalization of housing and communal services and nature management.

in the report “Digital Batimetric model of Lake Ladoga: the history of creation, current state and results of use for limnological research” Mikhail Naumenko He spoke about the results of the work on the creation of the first digital model of Lake Ladoga, work on which began about 30 years ago.

Shevelev Vsevolod Veniaminovich, head of the Ladoga Fest festival, head of the Roscongress Foundation project.

The discussion was also attended by experts representing the scientific community, state authorities, the organization of the housing and communal services sector and various industries related to active nature management: Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Director of the Institute of Lakes of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Shamil Raufovich Pozdnyakov

; Head of the St. Petersburg branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “NIRO” (“GosniRH” named after L.S. Berg ”)

Marina Mikhailovna Melnik

; and about. head of the Nev-Ladoga Basin Directorate of the Federal Agency for Water Resources

Marina Viktorovna Kazmina

; Director of the Department of Environmental Protection of the Directorate of Nature Management of the State Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal St. Petersburg Irina Viktorovna Alekseeva ; General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal of the Leningrad Region .

Sergey Sergeevich Morozov ; Head of the Northwest Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for Fisheries Alexander Viktorovich Khristenko ; Researchers of the analysis, evaluation and forecasting department of the environmental research and public research department in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation of the North-West Scientific Center for Hygiene and Public Health (SNSTS) of Rospotrebnadzor Alexander Alexandrovich Kovshov

Vladimir Nikolaevich Fedorov

  • Nadezhda Andreevna Tikhonova
  • ; Head of the Department of Hygiene of Drinking Water supply FBUN SNSTS, candidate of medical sciences
  • Igor Olegovich Myasnikov
  • Big data and digital double technologies are among the most popular and promising in the modern world. And although the applied application of such technologies in the field of environmental management already has its own history in our country and abroad, a field for further work and potential for a comprehensive improvement in housing and communal services and nature management using digitalization tools are huge. The more joyful fact is that today's discussion takes place with the participation of representatives of the North-West region, especially the Leningrad region. The North-Western region of Russia today is the flagship of economic development, for which the topic of effective nature management is of key importance, especially given the investment projects that are now in our region
  • , – said in his entrance word
  • Dmitry Serov

And he expressed the hope that this discussion would start a practical implementation in the northwestern region new research and development in the field of digitalization of housing and communal services and nature management.

in the report “Digital Batimetric model of Lake Ladoga: the history of creation, current state and results of use for limnological research” Mikhail Naumenko He spoke about the results of the work on the creation of the first digital model of Lake Ladoga, work on which began about 30 years ago.An accurate quantitative description of the morphometric characteristics of a large lake, the shape of its basin, and the distribution of depths are of paramount importance for studying the thermal and light conditions, wave processes, and processes responsible for the redistribution of soil-forming material and its accumulation in various regions. The bottom relief largely determines the distribution of river waters in the lake, especially their dynamics in the bottom layers. The shape and size of the lake depression determine the timing of freezing and opening of freeze-up in certain areas, as well as the dates of onset and the duration of various hydrological seasons.

  • According to Mikhail Arsenievich, the creation of digital models is now the most promising method for studying the morphometry of large lakes, and mathematical modeling is one of the most important tools for scientific analysis and synthesis of complex systems, including the relief of Lake Ladoga.
  • To solve the emerging problem, it is proposed to organize a thorough monitoring of the state of the water body based on digital technologies in order to identify the main factors affecting water bodies and explore the Luga River basin “from source to sea” throughout the river system. The results of such work will make it possible to rationally use the water body, save water in time and avoid water shortages.
  • It is necessary to create a network of points for monitoring the hydrological situation on the basis of existing hydrological stations and to form new points to ensure effective monitoring throughout the basin. A network of independent sensors – points for monitoring the hydrological situation – will be used to quickly collect information about the current state of water. Data from the devices will be collected in a single processing center for automatic analysis of the ecological state.

A unified digital platform for collecting, systematizing and analyzing the results of laboratory studies of drinking water quality is designed to increase the efficiency of the federal state sanitary supervision of the drinking water supply of the population,To introduce control over the implementation of the target indicators of the federal project “Clean Water” and inform the population about the quality of drinking water, as well as quickly analyze large volumes of data and help make balanced management decisions.

The development of the system is already being completed, a base of the results of water monitoring and incidence of the population has been created; Information collected in ICC, taking into account the monthly update of laboratory tests, is analyzed using methods of mathematical statistical processing. Among the further steps of developing the system, Julia Aleksandrovna called the development of the analytical block ICC, which will allow specialists of the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor more promptly comparative and corrective analyzes of the quality of water and the level of incidence of the population, including on the territory of the Nevo-Ladoga water pool.The system of monitoring and evaluating the quality of drinking water in essence in the Russian Federation is essentially scattered, socio-hygienic monitoring, production control and control and supervision (verification) activities are not coordinated by each other. Integration of data on the quality of drinking water is necessary, which will increase the accuracy of assessing the quality of drinking water and, as a result, develop adequate measures to improve its quality , – believes Julia Novikova

Another digital solution for environmental monitoring presented Nikolai Sharfran in the report

“Organization of continuous monitoring of water and air resources based on AIS“ precipitation ”

. The system was developed by the Alliance Electro LLC in close cooperation with the specialists of the State Unitary Enterprise “Vodokanal St. Petersburg”, as well as with the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet) and the FSBI “Main Geophysical Observatory named after A.I. Voeikova .

The goals of the creation of AIS precipitation are:Surgical monitoring of a meteorological situation in the city and issuing warnings on the onset of adverse meteorological events. Increasing the accuracy of determining the actual number of precipitation of precipitation on water disposal basins.. Systematic automated accounting of the number of atmospheric precipitation and weather conditions with the accumulation of a long -term data bank.

Automation, increased accuracy and operationalness of reports on the characteristics of precipitation, temperature. Prediction of the development of the meteorological situation in the serviced territory.Determination of the volume and cost of disposal disposal for legal entities.