How to get to the new city of Ulyanovsk; Points of interest and popular routes

How to get to the new city of Ulyanovsk How many new routes will be in the transport scheme of Ulyanovsk? Igor Bychkov replied to readers Announced

How to get to the new city of Ulyanovsk

How many new routes will be in the transport scheme of Ulyanovsk? Igor Bychkov replied to readers

The Internet conference announced by with the chief road builder of Ulyanovsk, Igor Bychkov, aroused genuine interest among readers. We have collected for head of the department of road facilities and transport the most pressing and pressing issues. Many of them were devoted to the financial situation of the municipal transport enterprise PATP-1, as well as the work of certain passenger routes.

– Maybe we need to remove the gangster minibuses? Why is PATP bankrupt in the city? What kind of negligence? Will there be order in the city at all or not!? Why do large-capacity buses run and PATP operate in other cities? Mess!

— In order to improve the quality of transport services for the population, the administration of Ulyanovsk and all city carriers in 2017 signed a long-term agreement on cooperation in the field of improving regular passenger transportation, which provides for long-term promising measures, in particular, for the phased renewal and enlargement of the rolling stock according to the approved program. As a result of the implementation of the entire program, by 2021 it is expected to reduce the number of buses of the Gazelle brand with the number of seats less than 15, with replacement by more spacious ones. At the end of 2020, in accordance with the terms of the agreement, the number of Gazelles with up to 15 seats was reduced by 129 units. They were replaced by more than 80 buses with a capacity of 18 to 25 seats.

— There are not enough routes from the Upper Terrace to the center! In rush hour, Novgorod buses in transit through Verkhnaya are already overloaded. The way out is either to go first to the New City, in order to be guaranteed to be there by the beginning of the working day, or to be late every day, which is punishable by the ruble. What can you offer?

— Transport service for residents of the Upper Terrace to the central part of the city is carried out by regular bus routes: No. 22 “Akademika Filatov Ave. Ablukov, №25 st. Yakurnova – st. Korunkova, No. 28 Prospect of the Creators – Aquapark, No. 30 Prospect of Doctor Surov – Central Bank, No. 46 Prospect of Friendship of Peoples – UAZ, No. 77 st. Yakurnova – st. Generala Melnikov, No. 78 4th checkpoint of ZAO Aviastar-SP – UlSTU, No. 82 st. Repin – 4th checkpoint of Aviastar – SP CJSC, No. 84 Vracha Surov Ave – a monument to Narimanov. Employees of the department of road facilities and transport of the administration of Ulyanovsk regularly carry out control measures in the Zavolzhsky district to comply with the schedule of regular bus routes connecting the left bank with the right bank.In the course of them, it was established that the parameters of passenger transportation and the schedule of buses on the routes connecting the Zavolzhsky district with the right -bank are generally respected. Currently, the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region is considering the purchase of buses by PATP-1 JSC, which will be involved on the routes of the Zavolzhsky direction No. 30, 46.

– When will they restore the work of bus routes in demand by many residents No. 10 and 30? The proposal to go to the northern part of the city on minibuses No. 82, 84 more like a mockery. Minibuses are already crowded at the exit from the new city. When will the transport scheme of Ulyanovsk, which were developed by Muscovites for millions of budget rubles? When will the construction of the trolleybus line on Dimitrov Street, which are waiting for many residents of the microdistrict? They promise the second year, but there is no case.

-Until recently, transport communication of the Zavolzhsky district with the right-bank city (northern part), with a crossing over the Presidential bridge and by movement through the central part of the city, was organized by the city regular bus route No. 10 PR-KC doctor Surov-ul. Otradnaya . This bus route was served by the carrier of PATP-1 JSC with buses of large capacity of the LIAZ brand in the amount of 7 units. Every day on the specified route on weekdays, up to 25 flights were executed. Due to the fact that the operating costs of maintaining large capacity buses significantly exceed the costs of maintaining small and particularly low capacity buses and taking into account the limited subsidies of a number of regular bus routes served by this enterprise, traffic was carried out only along the most popular flights among the population. Since October 16, 2020, the work of the bus route No. 10 was suspended. In order to prevent the deterioration of transport communication between the Zavolzhsky district and the northern part of the city, the work of regular bus route No. 82 “4th passing Avostar-SP”-ul. Repin . According to the results of the development of the project of the new transport scheme of Ulyanovsk, the Moscow State University of Moscow “Mosgortransniyproekt” provides for 2 bus routes passing through the presidential bridge, one to the Central Bank, the other to the car factory. The feasibility of these bus routes will be studied with the introduction of the new route network of the city. Currently, the transport scheme of Ulyanovsk is studied by the Ministry of Industry and Transport of the region, according to the results of preliminary approval, the scheme will be placed in the general access. On the issue of launching trolleybuses on the street. Dimitrova I can say that contact networks have been purchased at present. When forming the city budget, it is planned to lay the necessary funds for the purchase of supports and carry out construction work for 2020.

– When will the transport card fully function in Ulyanovsk and the opportunity to pay for bank cards?

-Currently, the passage using electronic transport cards is carried out by an automated system for accounting for travel on tram and trolleybus routes, as well as four regular bus routes served by PATP-1 JSC.

– I don't understand why the enterprise should dodge? (We are talking about MUP Ulyanovskelectrotrans – approx. Ed.) The enterprise should calculate the tariff, including the component for the planned update of rolling stock and infrastructure. If the administration considers the tariff unacceptable, then it should compensate for the difference, and not pretend that it protects people, actually killing normal transport!

– Currently, falling income from the transportation of citizens to municipal transport enterprises is carried out at the expense of the city budget in the form of subsidies.

– Why is it not possible to get to the cellar in the summer season only on foot? The 66th route reaches Arsky and, even if there are passengers to the cellars, is not lucky. The driver refers to the schedule, where not every flight goes to the cellars. Why not extend the route regardless of the schedule? Cellies territorially enter Ulyanovsk, people settle there, build a house for permanent residence, and there is nothing to go on and go to Arsa 3 km in any weather. The 66th route and so goes once an hour, but to the cellars less often.

– From the beginning of the horticultural season to the village of Cellarbia Zasviyazhsky district, the work of the seasonal bus route No. 13s “Board – the village of Boils”, as well as regular bus route No. 66 d. Cellars – with. Arskoy – Central Bank. Additional information on the schedule of the movement of routes No. 13s, 66 can be obtained in the dispatch service of PATP-1 JSC by phone: 40-84-13 and 25-02-15.

– On the street. Nevsky why there is no route? Moms with young children and in the rain and in the snow should get to Stasov’s stop!

– when implementing measures to improve the quality of transport services and on numerous requests of residents living in the New Life microdistrict, in trial operation from March 18 to 29 from the stopping point “ul. A. Nevsky ”organized a period of running running -in. According to its results, it was decided from April 8 to change the movement scheme of regular bus route No. 20 “ul. Sholmova – Central Bank ”with passage through Alexander Nevsky Street. Direct direction: st. Korunkova – st. Sholmova – st. Industrial – st. A. Nevsky – st. Stasova – st. Ryabikova-West Bish-st. Oktyabrskaya-Ave. of the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol-Moscow highway-st. Minaeva – st. September 12 – st. Krymova – st. Karl Marx – st. Goncharova. Return direction: st. Goncharova – st. Karl Marx – st. Krymova – st. September 12 – st.Minaeva-Moscow highway-Ave. of the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol-ul. Oktyabrskaya-West Bish-st. Ryabikova – st. Kuzovatovskaya – st. Zhigulevskaya – st. Korunkova.

-Why are Patp-1 buses, in particular, No. 31 and 66, do not consider it necessary to stop at stops? Since when did all public transport stops on demand. I visit other cities, and there buses and trolleybuses stop at stops, regardless of the desire of passengers. On these routes, they constantly pass by the stops. Repeatedly turned to Patp-1 and the Department of Road Facilities, and now there.

-in cases of violation of the rules of landing and ease of passengers outside the stopping points, I recommend that you contact the road management and transport management by calling: 27-07-45 and 27-07-46 with the date, time, time, bus license plate and other data for taking appropriate measures to the carrier.

– When and how many old trams will be modernized? Will new ones be bought? Who and where? How much money will they spend?

– According to the MUP Ulyanovskelectrotrans, negotiations are currently being held with the state transport leasing company for the supply of 20 tram wagons in 2020.

– What is the financial situation on Patp? Has it improved? How many buses are now? Employees of the enterprise are not satisfied with the working conditions, draw up collective lawsuits in the court for the management of the car park. Will the city hall intervene in this conflict?

-due to the fact that the operational costs of maintaining large capacity buses served by the carrier-carrier of PATP-1 JSC are significantly higher than the cost of maintaining small and especially low capacity buses and taking into account the limited subsidies of a number of regular bus routes, the movement of some routes is carried out Only according to the most popular flights among the population.

– In the fall, the next jump in the cost of travel on minibuses is expected. It's true? How much is it possible to restrain the growth of travel fees and influence private carriers?

– In accordance with applicable law, the decision to increase tariffs for travel in public transport is entrusted to carriers and is declarative. To date, applications from carriers about the intentions of raising tariffs to the administration of Ulyanovsk have not been received.

With the assistance of the press service of the Ulyanovsk City Hall

Automation is a new city

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Bus № 46, 483
Taxi route № 22, 25, 28, 65, 84

The bus station is a new city at the address of Ulyanovsky Avenue, 7 in Ulyanovsk.

From here flights are carried out mainly inside the city itself. You can also leave for some settlements of the Ulyanovsk region.

If you need to go to another region of the Russian Federation, then from the bus station a new city can be done with a transplant at the Central bus station.

There is no question of developed infrastructure here. This is an ordinary bus stop. However, the new city in Ulyanovsk is very developed, near the bus station there are many shops, cafes and restaurants.

Bus schedule from the bus station New City in Ulyanovsk 2020

You can familiarize yourself with the schedule through the Yandex.P.

In addition, the schedule is available on the official website of the bus station.

Popular directions

Popular directions can be found below:

A full list of directions, schedules and prices look at On, at the moment, unfortunately, there are no tickets from the bus station a new city, but tickets from another bus station of Ulyanovsk are available.

Buy tickets for bus station New City in Ulyanovsk

You can buy tickets online, for example, on the website. Buying tickets is also available from the official website of the bus station. You can get all the information you are interested in and arriving in the reference by calling: +7 (8422) 54-39-02.

In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the relevant information and make a ticket with the help of a form below:

How to get to the bus station a new city in Ulyanovsk

You can get to the bus station by a new city by public transport of the city of Ulyanovsk.

You can get here by minibus No. 22, 25, 28, 65, 84.

Buses No. 483 and 46 also go to the bus station.

If there is no desire to ride public transport, then you can use the services of a taxi. It is most convenient to order a car through popular Uber or Yandex.Taxi applications on your smartphone. In addition, you can also call a car from one of the local taxi companies working in Ulyanovsk (for example, lucky or Simbirsk taxi). The bus station is located far from the city center, so the cost of the trip can be very high. The price of the trip is better to discuss with the driver in advance.

How to get to the bus station a new city from other bus stations Ulyanovsk

From the Central Bus Station Ulyanovsk, the easiest way to get by minibus No. 28. A small bus will deliver you to the bus station a new city without transplants. But get ready for a long trip. On average, travel time is about 1 hour 30 minutes. Still, there are already 25 stops to drive.

How to get to a bus station from Ulyanovsk airports

From the Ulyanovsk-Central Airport you can get this way: sit on a minibus No. 12, drive 17 stops and get to the Pushkarevskoye Ring Shopping Center, there to transfer to minibus No. 28, drive 23 stops and go out at the stop of the house of everyday life.From here, to the bus station, you should walk about 200 meters. Travel time is more than 2.5 hours.

From the Airport Ulyanovsk-East easier and fastest to get by a car. The distance is about 20 km, and the travel time will be 20 minutes.

How to get to the bus station a new city from the railway station

At the Ulyanovsk-Central railway station, you need to sit on a minibus No. 55, drive 13 stops and go out at the stop of the House of equipment, then go to the Ulges stop and transfer to minibus No. 22, then drive 23 stops and go out at the stop of the House of Household. From here, to the bus station, you should walk about 200 meters. The total travel time will be approximately 1 hour 50 minutes.

Moving Scheme of minibuses Ulyanovsk: all 100 routes

Minibuses in Ulyanovsk appeared a little more than 10 years ago, but life without them is no longer possible to imagine. Correspondents of the first Ulyanovsk portal remembered what interesting facts are related to minibuses.

Fact No. 1: the first minibuses

The first minibuses in Ulyanovsk appeared in 1999-2000 and the fare in them was only 5 rubles. One of the first on the roads of Ulyanovsk began to ride minibuses No. 1, 3, 4. Their routes were repeated by popular tram or bus routes.

Fact No. 2: single price

Since our city was sprinkled immediately to two shores, in order to get from one on the other on a minibus, the Ulyanovites had to pay several rubles more than for a trip on one shore. Although from the point of view of distances, this was not always justified. Since 2013, in Ulyanovsk, the united price of the city was finally established, regardless of which area you intend to go to.

Fact No. 3: The longest routes

Route No. 72 and 73 – the longest, and in addition, having traveled along it, you can go around all the areas of the city – from the new city to far from Zadviyazhia.

Fact No. 4: Ring routes

In Ulyanovsk there are two ring directions – route taxis move towards each other, going around the same objects in a circular – No. 32 and No. 33. Previously, both routes were called No. 33, therefore, often inattentive passengers confused the direction and left in a circle in the opposite direction. But they got the opportunity to enjoy beautiful views of the entire right -bank from the minibus window.

Fact No. 5: updated minibuses

Until recently, Ulyanovsk people who prefer to get to work on minibuses had to go on old Gazelles, but from 2010 a program for changing the structure and updating of rolling stock working on the city routes began to operate in the city. Therefore, now more and more buses “Ford”, “Peugeot”, “Iveo”, “Bogdan”, “Liaz” are taken to routes.

Moving Scheme of route buses:

Data for 2014:

GSK Okolitsa – brewery

st. Skochilova – st. Shigaeva

Kushvinovka village – River Port

st. Shigaeva – Central Bank

Academician Filatov Ave.

Central Bank – st. pavement

4th checkpoint CJSC Aviastar – SP –

Moscow highway – st. Stepnaya – st. Staro-seldinskaya

avenue of the Creators – st. Shigaeva

st. Ryleeva – railway station – bus station – st. Ryleeva

st. Tukhachevsky – bus station – railway station – st. Tukhachevsky

pr-t Friendship of peoples – st. Samara

2nd checkpoint CJSC Aviastar SP – st. Dimitrova

st. Shigaeva – Central Bank – st. Shigaeva

st. Repin – st. General Melnikov

st. Pozharsky – microdistrict Iskra

Guy Ave – st. Vareikisa – st. Crystal – st. Lunacharsky – st. Inzenskaya – st. Kamyshinskaya – st. Zhigulevskaya – st. Korunkova – st. Sholmova – st. Industrial – st. Ryabikov – Western Boulevard – st. Oktyabrskaya – avenue of the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol – Moscow highway – st. Minaeva – st. Goncharova – Plastova Boulevard – st. Radishcheva – st. Tukhachevsky – st. Federation – st. Rosa Luxembourg – st. Lyubov Shevtsova – Narimanov Ave – st. Podlesnaya

Central Bank – pos. Vinnovka

st. Crystal – st. Lunacharsky – st. Inzenskaya – st. Kamyshinskaya – st. Ryabikov – st. Camp-builders – st. Efremova – st. Bogdan Khmelnitsky – st. Gerasimov – st. Stankostroiteley – Moscow highway – Clothing market – Moscow highway – st. Industrial – st. Efremova – st. Stankostroiteley – st. Gerasimov – st. God-dan Khmelnitsky – st. Efremova – st. Industrial – st. Ryabikov – st. Kamyshinskaya – st. Inzenskaya – st. Heroes of Svir – st. Crystal

62 63 st. Goncharova – st. Minaeva – Moscow highway 64

UMUP Park of culture and recreation Victory –

General Margelov Ave –

Generala Margelov Ave – 10th Inzhenerny Ave – Creators Ave – Druzhby Narodiv Ave – Leninsky Komsomol Ave – Tupolev Ave – Creators Ave – st. Deeva – st. Doctor Mikhailov – st. 40th Anniversary of October – st. Moscow – st. Zhukovsky – Dimitrovgrad highway – st. Chauffeurs – st. Krasnoproletarskaya – st. Metallistov – st. Kalnina – pr-d Zavodskoy – st. Pionerskaya – st. Zarechnaya

d. Cellars – with. Arskoe – s. Krotovka – a / d Saransk – Surskoye – Ulyanovsk – with. Barataevka – Moscow highway – st. Minaeva – st. Goncharova

settlement them. Karamzin – s / t Sail

settlement them. Karamzin-

st. Dokuchaeva – st. Radishcheva – st. Novgorodskaya – st. Federation – st. Krolyunitsky – st. Ostrovsky – st. Marata – st. Karl Marx – st. Goncharova – st. Lenin – st. Iron Division – st. Kirov – st. Locomotive – st. Derzhavin – Gai Ave – st. Vareikisa – st. Crystal – st. Ring – a / d on the village. them. Karamzin – s / t White Key

st. Profsoyuznaya – st. Lyubov Shevtsova

st. Ulyana Gromova – confectionery

st. Bridge builders – st. Alasheeva

st. Mostostroiteley – st. Krasnoproletarskaya – pr-d Zavodskoy – Dimitrovgradskoe highway – the bridge Imperial – st. Iron Division – st. Minaeva – st. Goncharova – st. Karl Marx – st. Krymov – st. September 12 – st. Kirov – st. Locomotive – st. Inzenskaya – st. Kamy-shinskaya – st. Ryabikov – st. Stankostroiteley – st. Industrial – Moscow highway

How to get to the new city of Ulyanovsk

Samara 300, 00


Dimitrovgrad Moscow 2 909, 50


Dimitrovgrad Tolyatti 339, 90


Dimitrovgrad Kazan 550, 00

  • rubDimitrovgrad Middle Yakushka 41, 80
  • rubMoscow Ulyanovsk 1 700, 00
  • rubKazan Ulyanovsk 400, 00
  • rubTogliatti Ulyanovsk 530, 20
  • rubSamara Ulyanovsk 400, 00
  • rubNizhny Novgorod Ulyanovsk 1 435, 40
  • rubClosed sales for subscribers and ideas
  • Budget travelWhat to get to the cemetery to Radonitsa in Ulyanovsk
  • April 17, 2020 will celebrate the Orthodox holiday of Radonitsa or parental day. On this day it is customary to remember the deceased. On Tuesday, in the direction of city cemeteries, additional transport will go.City and suburban bus routes will be attracted to deliver Ulyanovsk to the Northern Cemetery:
  • – No. 90 SNT Yubileiny – st. Khlebozavodskaya – 13 units,- No. 99 “The clothing market -“ SNT “anniversary” – 9 units,

– No. 98C “Park“ Victory ” – Northern Cemetery – 8 units.
Also on April 17, eight large buses will go to the Northern Cemetery from the Victory Park:

– No. 122 Park Victory – ISheevka (departure from the park at 06:40, 08:00, 10:30, 19:30);

– No. 124 “Bus Station – R/P ISheevka” (departure from AV “Ulyanovsk” at 06:50, 08:50, 17:25; from the park – at 07:15, 09:15, 17:50);

– No. 111 “Park“ Victory ” – Undors (the time of departure of the park – at 06:00, 06:55, 08:02, 10:00, 14:00, 15:55, 16:00, 18:00, 18 : 30, 19:00, from AV Ulyanovsk – at 06:30, 15:25);

– No. 140 Park Victory – sanatorium named after V.I. Lenin ”(from the Victory Park, the bus will leave at 12:35, and the time of departure of transport from AV Ulyanovsk is at 12:12).
14 buses of various capacities will help those who wish to get to the Arkhangelsk cemetery on buses with the number of route No. 344. Public transport will collect people with the lower and upper terraces, as well as from the new city.
From the lower terrace from the jubilee stop, buses will be departed at 7:00, 8:00, 8:40, 10:00, 10:50, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00; 15:00. At 9:20, from here, a flight will be organized for preferential categories of citizens.

The same buses will take the Ulyanovsk people who want to get to the Arkhangelsk cemetery, from the bus station on the upper terrace. Departure time: 7:20, 8:20, 9:00, 10:20, 11:10, 12:20, 13:20, 14:20, 15:20.

From the new city, buses No. 344 Ulyanovtsev will be taken from the stop at the store No. 27. Moreover, they plan to send flights from here throughout the daylight from 7:00 to 16:00 with a half -hour interval.
The departure of beneficiaries in the opposite direction will be organized at 12:00.
It is worth paying the attention of the Ulyanovites that some buses proceed from the cemetery bypassing the new city – immediately to the upper and lower terraces. You need to be careful – explaining signs will be placed by transport. lang=en style=height: 28px;Select a date to buy a ticket for a bus Dimitrovgrad – Ulyanovsk
Popular offer

Railway station Dimitrovgrad, station station; House 28

Railway station Central, Lokomotivnaya street; House 96

Dimitrovgrad bus schedule – Ulyanovsk for 2020

Bus Station Central, Street Polbina; House 48

Dimitrovgrad bus station, Melekessskaya street; house 34g

Dimitrovgrad Samara 300, 00


Dimitrovgrad Moscow 2 909, 50


Dimitrovgrad Tolyatti 339, 90


Dimitrovgrad Kazan 550, 00


Dimitrovgrad Middle Yakushka 41, 80


Moscow Ulyanovsk 1 700, 00


Kazan Ulyanovsk 400, 00


Togliatti Ulyanovsk 530, 20

  • rub
  • Samara Ulyanovsk 400, 00
  • rub
  • Nizhny Novgorod Ulyanovsk 1 435, 40


Closed sales for subscribers and ideas

Budget travel

What to get to the cemetery to Radonitsa in Ulyanovsk

April 17, 2020 will celebrate the Orthodox holiday of Radonitsa or parental day. On this day it is customary to remember the deceased. On Tuesday, in the direction of city cemeteries, additional transport will go.

City and suburban bus routes will be attracted to deliver Ulyanovsk to the Northern Cemetery:

– No. 90 SNT Yubileiny – st. Khlebozavodskaya – 13 units,

– No. 99 “The clothing market -“ SNT “anniversary” – 9 units,

– No. 98C “Park“ Victory ” – Northern Cemetery – 8 units.

Also on April 17, eight large buses will go to the Northern Cemetery from the Victory Park:

– No. 122 Park Victory – ISheevka (departure from the park at 06:40, 08:00, 10:30, 19:30);

– No. 124 “Bus Station – R/P ISheevka” (departure from AV “Ulyanovsk” at 06:50, 08:50, 17:25; from the park – at 07:15, 09:15, 17:50);

– No. 111 “Park“ Victory ” – Undors (the time of departure of the park – at 06:00, 06:55, 08:02, 10:00, 14:00, 15:55, 16:00, 18:00, 18 : 30, 19:00, from AV Ulyanovsk – at 06:30, 15:25);

– No. 140 Park Victory – sanatorium named after V.I. Lenin ”(from the Victory Park, the bus will leave at 12:35, and the time of departure of transport from AV Ulyanovsk is at 12:12).

14 buses of various capacities will help those who wish to get to the Arkhangelsk cemetery on buses with the number of route No. 344. Public transport will collect people with the lower and upper terraces, as well as from the new city.

From the lower terrace from the jubilee stop, buses will be departed at 7:00, 8:00, 8:40, 10:00, 10:50, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00; 15:00. At 9:20, from here, a flight will be organized for preferential categories of citizens.

The same buses will take the Ulyanovsk people who want to get to the Arkhangelsk cemetery, from the bus station on the upper terrace. Departure time: 7:20, 8:20, 9:00, 10:20, 11:10, 12:20, 13:20, 14:20, 15:20.

From the new city, buses No. 344 Ulyanovtsev will be taken from the stop at the store No. 27. Moreover, they plan to send flights from here throughout the daylight from 7:00 to 16:00 with a half -hour interval.

The departure of beneficiaries in the opposite direction will be organized at 12:00.

It is worth paying the attention of the Ulyanovites that some buses proceed from the cemetery bypassing the new city – immediately to the upper and lower terraces. You need to be careful – explaining signs will be placed by transport.Samara 300,00


Dimitrovgrad Moscow 2,909 .50


Dimitrovgrad Togliatti 339 .90


Dimitrovgrad Kazan 550,00


Dimitrovgrad Middle Yakushka 41 ,80


Moscow Ulyanovsk 1,700.00


Kazan Ulyanovsk 400,00


Tolyatti Ulyanovsk 530 ,20


Samara Ulyanovsk 400,00


Nizhny Novgorod Ulyanovsk 1,435.40


Closed sales for subscribers and ideas

budget travel

How to get to the cemetery on Radonitsa in Ulyanovsk

On April 17, 2020, the Orthodox holiday Radonitsa or Parents' Day will be celebrated. On this day, it is customary to commemorate the dead. On Tuesday, additional transport will go in the direction of city cemeteries.

City and suburban bus routes will attract Ulyanovsk residents to the Northern Cemetery for delivery:

– No. 90 SNT Yubileinoye – st. Khlebozavodskaya” — 13 units,

– No. 99 Clothing market – SNT Yubileynoye – 9 units,

– No. 98C Victory Park – Northern Cemetery – 8 units.

Also on April 17, eight large buses will go to the Northern Cemetery from Pobeda Park:

— No. 122 Park Pobeda – Isheevka (departure from the park at 06:40, 08:00, 10:30, 19:30);

— No. 124 Bus station – r / p Isheevka (departure from AB Ulyanovsk at 06:50, 08:50, 17:25; from the park – at 07:15, 09:15, 17:50);

— No. 111 “Park Pobeda – Undory” (departure time of the park is at 06:00, 06:55, 08:02, 10:00, 14:00, 15:55, 16:00, 18:00, 18 :30, 19:00, from AV Ulyanovsk – at 06:30, 15:25);

– No. 140 Park Pobeda – the sanatorium. V.I. Lenin” (the bus will leave the Pobeda park at 12:35, and the departure time of the transport from AV “Ulyanovsk” is at 12:12).

14 buses of various sizes will help those who wish to get to the Arkhangelsk cemetery on buses with route number 344. Public transport will collect people from the Lower and Upper Terraces, as well as from the New City. lang=en style=height: 28px;Select date to buy bus tickets Dimitrovgrad – Ulyanovsk

Popular offer