Hasbro Gaming – Buy Hasbro Gaming Games in Kyiv and Ukraine | Budinok igrashok

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Hasbro Gaming

The story of the huge Hasbro empire, which today occupies the second place among toy producers, began in America in 1923 with a small family pencil production company. This company was founded by two brothers of German origin – Helan and Henry Hassenfeld. Hence the name – Hassenfeld Brothers = Hasbro.

In 1943, Maryl, the son of Henry, became the president of the company. This year is considered a turning point in the history of the company, because it was then that the first contact of the company with the toy market occurred. Around the same time, the viewers saw the first television advertisement for toys – Mr. Potato Head from Hasbro. Sales began to grow even more rapidly, the assortment has significantly expanded, the company's toys were in great demand and popularity among customers.

1968 – a small family business was finally transformed into a serious company Hasbro Industries Inc. The further growth of which is largely due to successful acquisitions and absorptions, as well as the creation of their own trunk.

So in 1984, Hasbro was bought by Milton Bradley (MV) – a company founded back in 1860, the oldest toy and puzzles manufacturer in the world. With MV, Hasbro acquires the status of a global company.

By 1991, there is more than one well -known name in the reserve of Hasbro, among them Parker is a world -famous manufacturer of board games, such as monopoly, risk and Cloudo. Hasbro opens hundreds of branches all over the world and is firmly fixed in the game and toys market.

Back in 1923, no one could have foreseen that 80 years later, a small pencil production company would suddenly turn out to be one of the world leaders in the toys and board games market. The company achieved such success largely due to the fact that it always held my hand on the pulse, and not only paid due attention to constant technological progress and short -term trends, but itself influenced the general course of market development.

To date, the Hasbro toys store is represented in the markets of more than 75 countries, the company's turnover is about 3 billion dollars, and there are almost 6 thousand employees in its staff. Hasbro in Ukraine also has an official representative office. The most famous brands of Parker, MB, PlayDoh, My Little Pony, Monopoly, Twister, Risk, etc. New ideas are born every minute. Hasbro not only creatively approaches the creation of games and toys, and the toys themselves develop the imagination and creative skills of the child. Originality combined with quality is the main ingredients of the company's success.

Security is also one of the main tasks of the company. Hasbro toys undergo a fierce test and comply with all European standards. Based on these tests, the products are assigned the CE icon, a quality mark well known to all customers.

Before getting into the hands of a child, any Hasbro children's toys pass special laboratory tests, including about 10 levels of verification in conditions close to life situations.After all, even broken toys should not be dangerous for the child. In the same way, all source materials are tested.

  • Parker: Monopoly, Risk, Cloud – Who does not know these games Parker? One of the oldest companies (founded in 1888), today in its assortment of about 1800 board games produced in more than 26 languages ​​in 80 countries of the world.
  • MB: The most famous and popular game of this brand is Twister (Twister) is a fun game for the whole family!
  • My Little Pony: Little Pony enjoyed great success in the 80s when first appeared on the market. And in 2003 they again won the hearts of little girls. Now the ponies are just alive – they know how to speak and need constant care and affection.
  • Play Doh: Funny plasticine Play Doh is known to everyone! This brand appeared on the market in 1956 with a total of a couple of products in the assortment. Since then, more than 2 billion jars of plasticine have been sold, and today Play Doh is one of the market leaders. A unique recipe is still kept secret, but the fact is widely known – plasticine is made on the basis of natural edible products, so even if the child swallows it, nothing terrible will happen.

Where to buy Hasbro toys?

You can buy Hasbro toys (Hasbro) in our online store “Budino igrashka”. Our store is one of the few in which the Khasbro toys (Ukraine) are represented. In our online store, Hasbro toys are presented in a very wide assortment. Not every store, Hasbro (Hasbro) in which is sold, can boast of such a huge choice and combination of prices and quality. It is from us that you can buy Hasbro toys (online store) at the most affordable price. You can check the originality of models by visiting the official Hasbro website, and comparing it with our assortment. We deliver goods throughout Ukraine as soon as possible. Hasbro toys are the endless joy and emotions of your baby. Hurry to buy Hasbro toys today!