Calendars of the summer championship of Moscow |

The calendars of the Moscow Summer Championship are presenting to your attention to the project of the calendars of the Moscow Football Championship among teams of sports schools. In the Club League and the league with the first

Calendars of the summer championship of Moscow

We present to your attention a project of calendars of the Moscow Football Championship among teams of sports schools.

In the Club League and the league from the first to the fourth will play 12 schools (total – 60 schools). Teams born in 2005 The Club League, who do not participate in the UFL will play in a separate competition, the calendar of which will appear later. Teams 2006 and 2007 Club League will hold a competition in 1 circle.

All other leagues will play in eight age categories – from 2005 to born in 2012 As usual, the results of three younger ages (2010, 2011, 2012, 2012) are not taken into account in the overall standings of schools, and matches in these competitions are held by two compositions.

Competitions in all leagues, with the exception of the “fourth” and “fifth” will begin in mid-April (April 16-17). The calendar of the game Fifth League will be available later. See Translation