Arbitration Court of the Perm Territory

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Arbitration Court of the Perm Territory

Arbitration Court of the Perm Territory

The Perm province included the following territories: completely the current region, partially Kurgan, Tyumen regions. The city of Yekaterinburg was a county city of the Perm province, where the district court operated. The city of wasp (mentioned in the certificate) was and is located in the Perm region. In 1920, the Perm province was liquidated, creating the Ural region, which included the territory of the Perm region. There was a single arbitration commission, with an arbiter to the Ural region.

In 1938, the Ural region was abolished, Perm region, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan regions were formed. In 1938, he was created in the Perm region and the State Orbitrah.

The system of judicial authorities in the Perm province in the 19th century was very cumbersome, without a clear separation of the competence of each type of court. She acted on the basis of the institution about the provinces, the first part of which was published in 1775, the second – in 1780. It was not possible to find any documents on the creation of certain judicial authorities in the Perm province on the basis of this “institution”.

In the first half of the 19th century, the so -called “commercial disputes” were few and considered both by county courts and arbitration courts under the district districts of the deanery, the Chamber of the Civil Court (it was considered both by first instance and in appeal).

The confusion in the judicial system of the Perm province continued until the judicial reform in Russia of 1864, which made its first steps in the Perm province only in 1873: on the basis of the decree of its Imperial Majesty, on December I, 1873, county courts were closed, world judicial courts were introduced The institutions were formed at the same time from the Perm Civil Chamber and the Criminal Chamber – the United Chamber, which were transferred for permission in instance and cases from former district courts.

The first chairman of the Perm District Court A.V. Lebedev praised the activities of the United Chamber in the “successful transition in the Perm province from the old to the new court”, noting, among its achievements, a faster and qualitative consideration of cases, accuracy in production.

The United Chamber did not last long. Already on August 2, 1874, a decree of his imperial Majesty Autocrat of All -Russian, from the government of the Senate that the time of the opening of the Perm and Yekaterinburg District Courts was appointed on September I, 1874. This decree entered Perm on August 16, 1874. On the intended day, the Perm District Court, consisting of civil and criminal offices, was opened.

The Perm District Court existed, like all courts of Russia, until 1917
By the decree of the court No. I of Soviet power, he was abolished among other courts.
In 1920The Ural region was created with a center in Yekaterinburg. On September 21, 1922, the Regulation on the permission of property disputes between state institutions and enterprises was approved, according to which arbitration commissions were created in the center – under the Council of Labor and Defense, and in the field – under regional economic formations (in our case, in Yekaterinburg ).

Only in 1938, after the formation of the Perm region, on the basis of the Regulation on the State Arbitration of May 3, 1931, the state arbitration was created at the Executive Committee of the Molotov Regional Council of Deputies and Workers.

The Arbitration Court of the Perm region was formed on 06.06.1992. By a resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation On the election of the Perm Regional Arbitration Court No. 2923-1.

According to the Federal Constitutional Law of March 25, 2004 N 1-FKZ as a result of the unification of the two borders of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation-the Perm region and the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug from December 1, 2005, a new subject of the Russian Federation-Perm Territory is formed.

Place in the judicial system

The Arbitration Court of the Perm Territory belongs to the first level of the system of arbitration courts. This court in accordance with Article Z6 of the Federal Constitutional Law of April 28, 1995 1-FKZ “On Arbitration Courts in the Russian Federation”: in the first instance, all cases subordinate to the arbitration courts in the Russian Federation, with the exception of cases referred to the competence of higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation; Reviews by newly discovered circumstances the judicial acts adopted by him and entering into legal force; He appeals to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with a request to verify the constitutionality of the law applied or to be applied in the case considered by him in any instance; he studies and generalizes judicial practice; prepares proposals for improving laws and other regulatory legal acts; analyzes judicial statistics.

The Presidium of the Arbitration Court of the Perm Territory acts as part of the chairman of the court, his deputies, the chairmen of the courts and judges. Approves, on the proposal of the chairman of the court, members of the judicial collegiums and chairmen of the courts of this court; considers the issues of judicial practice and organizing the work of the court.

The Arbitration Court of the Perm Territory includes a collegium for the consideration of disputes arising from administrative legal relations and the collegium for the consideration of disputes arising from civil and other legal relations. Judicial colleges consider all cases subordinate to the arbitration courts in the Russian Federation, with the exception of cases referred to the competence of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, study and generalize judicial practice, develop proposals for improving laws and other regulatory legal acts, analyze judicial statistics, And also exercise other powers provided for by the regulations of arbitration courts.

The composition of the judicial collegiums has formed seven judicial traits that specialize in the consideration of cases of certain categories in first instance. The court compositions are headed by the chairmen of the judicial traits.