Vladimir City Hall demands to demolish the gramad

April 30 in Vladimir will be blocked for half a day.

On April 30, Vladimir will host a sports festival dedicated to the 77th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Central venue

April 30 in Vladimir will be blocked for half a day.

Vladimir City Hall demands to demolish the gramad

On April 30, Vladimir will host a sports festival dedicated to the 77th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The central venue for the event will be the Lybeda Railway.

The city authorities to ensure security for the duration of the competition will limit the movement along this road of all types of transport from 7:30 to 15:00. A section of the highway from Gorky Street to Ust-on-lab (intersection in the area of ​​house No. 33b along Bolshaya Nizhny Novgorodskaya Street) will be blocked. All vehicles will be sent to a detour along the streets of Lunacharsky, Gorky, Mira and Ust-on-lab.

April 30 in Vladimir will be blocked for half a day.

The program of the sports festival has athletics relay race and skis -ski race among trained athletes. Roller skates will be held in five age categories, as well as among family teams. For the youngest athletes, a race on runaways will be arranged.

  • 9:00 – opening the holiday, ski -alliers competition;
  • 10:00-Roller Sports competitions;
  • 11:00 – Running on Cunneling;
  • 11:20 – Motojimkhan;
  • 12:00 – athletics competitions.

Pre -registration is required. To participate in the athletics relay, the application had to be submitted until April 25, applications are accepted for other competitions until April 27. The record takes place on the official website of the Department of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Administration of the city of Vladimir, as well as in the VKontakte department.