And the work boiled ...

And the work boiled …

Without Kevordo, the work boiled … On the first day of July, the Ural Trubnik team left vacation. By tradition, the club leaders, the head of the city, came to a meeting with hockey players and coaches

Without Kevordo

And the work boiled …

And the work boiled ...

On the first day of July, the Ural Trubnik team left vacation. By tradition, the leaders of the club, the head of the city Yuri Pereverzev, the head of the Western District Vitaly Wolf, the executive director of the PNTZ Alexander Beleenkov, came to a meeting with hockey players and coaches. They advanced athletes to a long road – the preparatory period and the main starts of the season – the Russian Cup by the country's championship in the Super League.

The director of the Ural Trubnik HC Emim Hafizov expressed gratitude to the leadership of the region, city, new -tube factory, sponsors, as well as deputies of the Legislative Assembly to Efim Grishpun and Lev Kovpak for assistance in the formation of a consolidated budget for the previous season, which allowed to immediately begin the selection work and start the selection work and to begin it. Signing contracts with hockey players. As a result, the team did not suffer significant losses and was able to invite masters to vacant places in the composition.

The head coach Alexei Zherebkov introduced the newcomers – experienced Alexei Golitarov and Anatoly Old, as well as a group of promising youth, who will train with adults. According to the mentor, it is possible that one of the guys will be able to declare themselves the coming winter.

The coaching staff introduced the preparation plan. On the first working day, hockey players ran a cross. A medical examination this week will show how athletes performed home training tasks during vacation. Then, classes in the OFP at the Magnitogorsk stadium and in the gym – disposable, but more saturated than before. In August, there will be a trip to a comprehensive fee to Finland with an intensive program, including a “small” ice test. On the large field, the trumpets will go out in Kemerovo immediately before the start of the first cup stage. The task is to go to the second stage and, if possible, compete for getting into the final phase. The elimination of last year’s costs, plus the existing command spirit and ambitions should help the Trubnik after the two-circuit tournament of the Russian Championship to take part in the playoff series. According to coaches, these are quite feasible tasks.

On Thursday, July 4, a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Ural Trubnik HC is scheduled, at which organizational issues will have to discuss and make vital decisions regarding the club policy for the coming season and for the future.