Altargan festival will be held in Transbaikalia July 22-24

Altargan festival will be held in Transbaikalia July 22-24 – MK Chita

The date of the XIV International Buryat Festival Altargan was determined

Altargan festival will be held in Transbaikalia July 22-24

Altargan festival will be held in Transbaikalia July 22-24

The date of the XIV International Buryat Festival Altargan is determined. It will take place on July 22-24, the press service of the government said following the meeting of the organizing committee of the event.

The festival program will be amended. So, the number of participants in creative contests will reduce to 660 people from two thousand people, and the number of athletes – up to 1032.

“They will perform in six types of sports: in firing from Luke according to the Buryat rules“ Hur Kharbaan ”, in the Buryat wrestling“ Bukh Barydaan ”, in the Mori Uridan equestrian sports, in Buryat traditional competitions for breaking the ridge“ HEER SHALGA , In the Buryat chess Shatar , – said the deputy chairman of the region of the region – head of the administration of the Aginsky Buryat district Buyanto Batomunkuev.

About how 15 creative competitions will be held, said the head of the social sphere of the administration of Abo Biligma Budaev. The seven contests, according to her, will be held in full -time format: the competition of folklore groups “Buryad Hүnei Nege үder”, the contest of the beauties “Dangina”, contests of Buryat poetry, essays, competitions of trainers and performers of odic poetry, performers of Buryat folk song.

The remaining events will be in absentia. Records of songs, videos, photos, cinema, journalistic materials can be sent by e -mail.

Applications for participation are accepted from May 1 to July 1, 2022. For creative events-by e-mail: [email protected], in sports competitions-on e-mail: [email protected].

Recall that the festival that collects residents from the regions of the Russian Federation, Mongolia and China has already been postponed twice due to the pandemic of coronavirus.